Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Blue Room
String theory is the best example we have of a quantum theory of gravity. It is the only theory we know whose amplitudes describe graviton scatterings and are perturbatively finite to all orders. The goal of this thesis is to study some phenomenological aspects of certain low-energy, effective limits of string theory. More precisely, we analyse the classical solutions of certain effective superstring actions. This thesis is divided in two main parts. In the first one we discuss black hole solutions of the effective action of heterotic string theory (HST). This is done at first order in α′ and we completely characterize their thermodynamics. To achieve this, we present a refinement of the prescription proposed by Iyer and Wald. In the second part we study the properties of certain 4-dimensional type II compactifications. We first consider AdS4 massive type IIA orientifold compactifications. We check that a 10d description with localized sources exists and we study its non-perturbative stability. We then study the properties of certain compactifications where the internal manifold has non-trivial integer (co)homology.
Supervisors: Fernando Marchesano, Tomas Ortín
pie de foto: IFT
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