A Generalized uncertainty principle in quantum gravity

May 9, 2024
5:00pm to 6:00pm

Blue Room

Specialist level
Pau Garcia Romeu

Blue Room


Pau García Romeu will present the paper "A Generalized uncertainty principle in quantum gravity"  by Michele Maggiore (INFN, Pisa and Pisa U.) Phys.Lett.B 304 (1993) 65-69.



We discuss a Gedanken experiment for the measurement of the area of the apparent horizon of a black hole in quantum gravity. Using rather general and model-independent considerations we find a generalized uncertainty principle which agrees with a similar result obtained in the framework of string theories. The result indicates that a minimum length of the order of the Planck length emerges naturally from any quantum theory of gravity, and that the concept of black hole is not operationally defined if the mass is smaller than the Planck mass.