Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
There is an upcoming opening for PhD positions at IFT, involving several positions associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant. Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory. Candidates should have an excellent academic track record.
IFT is an equal-opportunity institution. Candidates from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
The fellowships will cover a four-year period starting next fall, with conditions that will be specified in the Ministry call. This includes a competitive salary and full health insurance. Succesful candidates will be included in IFT grants, which provide additional funds for scientific visits, attendance to advanced schools and workshops, and other training activities.
The actual application procedure must be done through the Ministry of Science webpage, whose application portal will open in the next few weeks. For the time being the IFT is collecting expressions of interest, in order to be able to guide interested applicants through the whole process.
The period for sending expression of interests is 2-16 December 2022.
Please send your expression of interest through the link below, furnishing:
- An updated CV, either in English or Spanish.
- A certificate of BSc academic degree and (if available) a certificate of the Masters degree.
- The name of a potential IFT supervisor, in case that you have one.
- Your preferred field of interest in research.
If a certificate is not complete because some grades are not available, a partial certificate can be provided as well. What is important is that the candidate holds an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract, by fall 2023.
We stress however that the expression of interest is NOT a formal application, and the latter will still have to be filed at the Ministry webpage in the future.
Should you need any further information or assistance concerning the application, please contact phdgrants.ift@csic.es.
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