Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
We have established a new Fermilab - IFT international visitor exchange program, in the framework of an International Coorperative Research And Development Agreement (CRADA) between Fermilab and UAM for the Instituto de Física Teórica, coordinated by Luis Ibáñez and funded by the IFT Severo Ochoa Excellence Grant. More info
The IUPAP - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics has appointed Prof. Germán Sierra as member of the Mathematics-Physics Commission (C.18) More
The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiviness has renewed this Excellence Award for 4 more years. The Instituto de Física Teórica IFT UAM-CSIC was awarded the Severo Ochoa Distinction for the first time in its 2012 edition. The funding of the Severo Ochoa Program of the IFT, SO (IFT), started in July 1, 2013 and will finish on June 30, 2017.
More information: here
¿Quiénes somos y qué investigamos? ¿y por qué lo hacemos? Miembros del IFT nos explican la vida en el IFT, sus campos de investigación, y su visión de la Física y la investigación científica en general.
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We have just published the upgraded version of the IFT 2016 Activity Report. It includes a general presentation of the IFT mission and scientific results, its structure and premises, and the list of activites: programs and workshops, seminars and visitors, teaching and training, communication and outreach.
The report is available at this link
Luis Ibañez, IFT-UAM/CSIC member and professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics of UAM has been appointed in July as member of the Comision de Infraestructuras de Fisica de Particulas y Aceleradores (CIFPA). This is an advisory committee to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in ''the analysis and viability studies of different initiatives related to the participation of spanish research groups in experiments in the areas of experimental particle physics, astroparticle and nuclear physics hosted, in particular, in the large international facilities related to these fields''. Luis Ibañez was also appointed in 2015 to the panel of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA). This comittee addresses the long-term planning of European high-energy physics facilities.
A new H2020 ITN (Innovative Training Network) project named Elusives (www.elusives.eu) and a new RISE (H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) project named InvisiblesPlus (www.invisiblesplus.eu) have been approved in the last months and are now fully operational.
The two projects focus on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection, with emphasis on the role of the symmetry relating matter and antimatter. Experimental and theoretical aspects are encompassed. Elusives is operative since last April 1st and will run in parallel with the complementary staff-exchange RISE project InvisiblesPlus, which is operative since last February 1st and focuses on the same subjects. Read more: Link
The price on Frontiers of Knowledge in Basic Sciences was awarded for discovering that galaxies were formed from quantum fluctuations in the Universe’s earliest days.
The 2015 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize , for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, is awarded to James D. Bjorken for his prediction of scaling behaviour in the structure of the proton that led to a new understanding of the strong interaction and to Guido Altarelli, Yuri L. Dokshitzer, Lev Lipatov, and Giorgio Parisi for developing a probabilistic field theory framework for the dynamics of quarks and gluons, enabling a quantitative understanding of high-energy collisions involving hadrons. Read More
IFT member and former Director, Alfredo Poves, has been appointed member of the Academy of Europe. The mission of the Academy is to promote a wider appreciation of the value of European scholarship and research, to make recommendations to national governments and international agencies concerning matters affecting science, scholarship and academic life in Europe, to encourage interdisciplinary and international research in all areas of learning, particularly in relation to European issues, to identify topics of trans-European importance to science and scholarship, and propose appropriate action to ensure that these issues are adequately studied.
Read more: http://www.ae-info.org/
The CERN Council has appointed Prof. Belén Gavela as new member of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) for a first term of office from 1st of January 2014 to 31st December 2016. Read more
In the Seventh Framework Program of the ERC, the project (SELFCOMPLETION) with Title: UV-completion through Bose-Einstein Condensation: A Quantum Model of Black Holes, has been awarded with an Advance Grant. This project is led by Prof. Georgi Dvali at the LMU in Munich and by Prof. Cesar Gomez at the IFT in Madrid. The project has a duration of five years with beneficiaries the LMU (Munich) and the IFT (CSIC), and has been funded with 1.168.000 euros. Read More
The IFT has obtained the Severo Ochoa award in its 2012 edition. Only five centers among the 30 finalist have been awarded. This distinction recognizes and financially support Spanish centers of excellence in all fields of research. Read More
The research project has as objectives the search of new solutions of String Theory able to describe the standard model of particle physics, and to obtain information from LHC data in order to constrain the underlying theory. Read More
Invisibles is a new European Initial Training Network (ITN), April 2012-March 2016, which focuses on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection. Experimental and theoretical aspects are also encompassed. The network involves nodes in seven European countries and its associated partners extend to seven non-European countries. Read More
Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection (MultiDark) is an excellence project in which most of the Spanish research community working in the field of dark matter is involved. The project is funded for a period of 5 years, starting December 2009, by the CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 Programme of the Secretary of State for Research. 13 out of a total of 101 proposals in all branches of knowledge were selected that year. Read More
The present project of research HEPHACOS, focused on ‘Phenomenology of the Fundamental Interactions: Fields, Strings and Cosmology’, 2010-14, is a continuation of the previous one that was developed between 2006-09 within the frame of collaboration programmes of the Community of Madrid. The project is formed by four groups of research involving as participant institutions the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The groups are called Feno 1 (UAM), Feno 2 (CSIC), TH 1 (CSIC), TH 2 (UAM), and involve in total about 30 senior researchers. Read More
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