Aspects of F-theory engineered quantum field theories

Septiembre 18, 2018
De 11:30am hasta 1:30pm

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

Specialist level
Federico Carta

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room


In this thesis we discuss three examples of quantum field theories engineered from the IIB superstring theory and F-Theory.

Firstly we consider a model of SU(5) GUT in F-Theory, with E7 enhancement. Yukawa couplings for the two heaviest families of MSSM are computed, as well as one CKM entry. Realistic masses for the fermions can be obtained by considering certain values of the parameters entering in the model.

Secondly, we discuss the phenomenon of supersymmetry enhancement in QFTs, in which a theory with 4 supercharges flows in the IR to a theory with 8 supercharges. New systematic scans are performed in order to find more theories showing this peculiar feature. Furthermore, an explanation of this SUSY enhancement is given by geometrically engineering the QFT of a D3 probing a F-Theory singularity corresponding to a T-brane background.

Thirdly, we consider mixed branches of 3d N = 4 QFTs. We devise a way to compute the Hilbert Series of a generic mixed branch of a particular set of theories of this kind, called T [SU(N)]. In order to understand how the usual formulae for a Coulomb Branch Hilbert series get modified in the mixed branch case, it was crucial to engineer the T[SU(N)] in IIB superstring theory, by the use of an Hanany-Witten setup.