Opening for Severo Ochoa PhD positions at the IFT

Kind of offer: 

There is a new opening for PhD positions at the IFT, funded by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant.

Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory. They should have an excellent academic track record, and are expected to hold an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract.

Interested candidates should apply in the
The deadline for applications is March 2nd 2018 at 15:00

The fellowships will cover a three-year period, with possibility of a fourth year. This includes a competitive salary and full health insurance. Selected candidates will be included in IFT grants, which provide additional funds for scientific visits, attendance to advanced schools and workshops, and other training activities.

IFT is an equal opportunity institution. Applications to this program by female scientists are particularly encouraged.

Should you need any further information or assistance concerning the application, please contact the IFT at

Viernes, Marzo 2, 2018 - 3:00pm