Jun 14 2016 - De 10:00 hasta 14:00 Ander Retolaza Applications of toric Calabi-Yau singularities to Cosmological model building in String Theory

String Theory is nowadays the best candidate to describe gravity at the quantum level together with the other interactions and matter fields.

Jun 13 2016 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Gianluca Zoccarato From F-theory to brane webs: Non-perturbative effects in type IIB String Theory

We analyse the flavour sector of SU(5) Grand Unified Theories in F–theory.

Jun 9 2016 - De 11:30 hasta 13:30 Mario Herrero Valea Weyl Invariance in the gravitational sector

It is been known since long ago that field theories enjoying scale invariance have an improved behaviour in the Ultra- violet.

Mayo 20 2016 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Ginevra Favole Star-forming galaxies as tools for cosmology in new-generation spectroscopic surveys
Ene 26 2016 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Javier Abajo Gravitational collapse and holographic thermalization
Jul 3 2015 - De 12:00 hasta 13:30 Giovanni Ramírez Quantum Entanglement in Random and Inhomogeneous Spin Chains

Germán Sierra and Javier Rodríguez-Laguna

Jun 15 2015 - De 11:30 hasta 13:00 Irene Valenzuela The Higgs sector, SUSY breaking and Inflation in String Theory
Supervisor(s): Luis Ibáñez
Mayo 21 2015 - De 11:30 hasta 13:00 Amadeo Jiménez Alba Broken symmetries and transport in holography
Mayo 20 2015 - De 12:00 hasta 13:30 Pablo Bueno Gómez Supergravity, black holes and holography
Tomás Ortín
Oct 3 2014 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Juan Yepes The bosonic effective chiral Lagrangian with a light Higgs particle


Belén Gavela
