Sep 18 2018 - De 11:30 hasta 13:30 Federico Carta Aspects of F-theory engineered quantum field theories

In this thesis we discuss three examples of quantum field theories engineered from the IIB superstring theory and F-Theory.

Sep 10 2018 - De 11:30 hasta 12:30 Francisco Torrentí Aspects of Preheating and Higgs Cosmology

In this thesis we study several aspects of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Universe after

Jun 29 2018 - De 12:00 hasta 13:00 Iván Jesús Martínez Soler Neutrino oscillations in particle physics and astrophysics

Neutrinos are described in the Standard Model (SM) by three left-handed fermion
fields, one for each fermion generation. In the SM, the masses of the fermions arise as

Abr 17 2018 - De 11:30 hasta 13:00 Rocío del Rey Spin zero windows to new physics

This thesis pays special attention to fine-tunings of the SM, such as those characterising the strong CP problem and the electroweak hierarchy problem.

Abr 13 2018 - De 11:30 hasta 13:00 Sebastián Montes Gaussian Many-Body States: Tachyonic Quenches and Conformal Blocks

This thesis is divided into two independent parts:In Part I, we present a characterization of a bosonic field theory driven by a free (Gaussian) tachyonic Hamiltonian.

Sep 22 2017 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Xabier Marcano Lepton flavor violation from low scale seesaw neutrinos with masses reachable at the LHC

Flavor physics has been crucial in the development of particle physics and it will keep being so in the future.

Sep 19 2017 - De 11:30 hasta 12:30 Pedro F. Ramírez Non-Abelian Black Holes in String Theory

This thesis is devoted to the study of the interaction of non-Abelian Yang-Mills fields with the gravitational field in the context of String Theory and its low energy effective supergravity descri

Sep 15 2017 - De 12:00 hasta 14:00 Sergio Adrián Rodríguez Torres The Halo-Galaxy connection from the Large Scale Structure of the Universe

Large-scale structure is one of the most important fields in cosmology. It allows us to study the evolution of the Universe using the distribution of galaxies on the sky.

Sep 15 2017 - De 11:30 hasta 13:30 Josu Hernández The Quest for the Origin of Neutrino Masses
Sep 15 2017 - De 11:30 hasta 12:30 Sjoerd Bielleman Inflating with open strings

We consider the embedding of inflation in Type IIB string theory, with the inflaton given by the position modulus of a D7-brane, an open string.
